On Grid Solar System

With an on-grid solar setup, you can become a little power company! Any extra electricity your panels make can go back into the grid and save money. It's a great way to help the environment, too, by reducing carbon emissions.

This system works great for homes and buildings. Even big companies are seeing the benefits. In India especially, where the sun shines a lot, solar power really makes sense.

Some Advantages of On-Grid Solar:

1. You'll never have a blackout because you're still hooked up to the main power lines. Plus, if the sun isn't shining, you can still use regular electricity.

2. Your electricity bills will be way lower. You can use your solar power during the expensive daytime "peak hours" to avoid those high rates.

3. Solar is a good investment. It pays for itself in about 5 years, and then you get free electricity for the next 20!

The system works with your grid power, so you can run anything you want, like TVs, AC, and more. It uses all the energy your panels produce.

4. Installation is simple - you just put the panels on your roof. Works for homes, apartments, offices, anywhere really. The on-grid solar system is cheaper than an off-grid one since you don't need expensive batteries. There's also less maintenance over time.

5. Plus, you can get subsidies from the government to help with the upfront cost. In the end, on-grid solar is a smart way to save on bills and help the environment at the same time. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

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Off Grid Solar System

Going solar without being on the main electricity grid means you need batteries to store power from your solar panels. These "off-grid" systems let you use electricity anywhere, even in remote areas without utility lines.

Batteries are a must for off-grid solar. They save extra power from your panels during the day, so you have electricity at night and on cloudy days. The main parts include panels, an inverter to convert solar DC to AC, and batteries obviously.

We offer complete off-grid kits that have everything you need - panels, inverter, batteries and all the other pieces. Places far from power lines, like homes deep in the woods or buildings high in the mountains, can get electricity this way. Even cell towers, fire stations, and village schools in remote spots can go solar.

These systems are great because they replace noisy, messy diesel generators. We size each part just right for how much power you'll use and the sun where you live. First, we figure out your daily electricity needs in kilowatt-hours. Then we pick the right size solar array based on how much sun you get each day.

After that, it's deciding on the right battery bank size and inverter wattage. Our experts handle all the calculations and setup. In the end, going off-grid solar gives you electricity freedom wherever you are!

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Hybrid Grid Solar System

If you want the flexibility of solar energy but also like having backup power from the grid, then a hybrid solar system may be perfect for you. Here at Rishika Kraft, we can set you up with a hybrid solar solution for your home or business.

A hybrid system combines solar panels, batteries, and being connected to the electric grid. During the day, your solar panels will generate power and either use it yourself or send excess to the grid. Then at night or whenever the sun isn't shining, you can draw power from the grid just like a regular home.

The batteries store extra solar energy for later. This means you'll have power even if the grid goes down. Pretty handy, right? With net metering, any power you send to the grid gets credited back to lower your electric bill too.

Hybrid solar is great because you get the benefits of solar power along with the security of the grid in case the batteries run low. We size everything correctly for your property so you're generating as much solar power as possible. Installation is simple and maintenance is minimal so you can relax knowing your system will work hard for you for years.

Going hybrid is a smart choice if you still want electricity when the sun isn't out. Give us a call if you want to learn more about how we can set you up with an affordable, reliable hybrid solar system. The future is bright with solar power!

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Frequently Asked Questions

On-grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid solar systems are some of the popular solar types. On-grid-solar systems connect to the utility grid, while off-grid systems operate independently, and hybrid systems combine both.

Solar panels typically last for 25 to 30 years or more, with some warranties extending up to 25 years. Regular maintenance and proper installation can help maximize their lifespan.

Yes, solar panels work every day, even on cloudy days, although their efficiency may vary depending on sunlight intensity. They generate electricity from sunlight, providing a reliable source of renewable energy.

The capacity of solar panels required for an average Indian household varies based on factors like energy consumption, location, and sunlight availability, but typically ranges from 3 kW to 5 kW.

Yes, solar systems can still generate electricity on cloudy days, although their efficiency may be reduced. They continue to convert sunlight into electricity, albeit at a lower rate compared to sunny days.